Welcome, Speakers!
Hello! Welcome to the Unforgettable Woman Virtual Event! We are so happy to feature you as one of our speakers!
On this page you will find everything you need for our collaborative marketing efforts… solo email copy options, graphics (including your personalized graphic), social media copy, individual tracking links, speaker group graphic, etc.
We would be delighted if you wrote your emails and social copy in your own voice, using the language and tone your audience is already familiar with so please feel free to adjust the copy and messaging we provide below in a way that feels true for you, infusing it with your style. My writing style is likely quite different than yours.
Important Note: *Please remember also to use your unique tracking link wherever it says, “hyperlink to your unique promotional link."
Important Dates:
Collaborative Promotional Period: May 28th - June 11th, 2024
Event Dates: Sessions will be released June 12th - June 22nd
Replay Party: June 23rd - June 25th, 2024
Please take a moment now to double check the dates you committed to mailing your list and posting on social media - thank YOU!
Through our combined effort, we are offering a wide variety of tools, tips, and knowledge to help our audience understand the enormous impact clothing and how you wear it, has on our mood and our goals.
That is why I'm delighted we are joining together to make a difference for thousands of women, worldwide. Thank YOU, for sharing your expertise and gift and getting the message out to your communities. This is how we make this event well worth the efforts of everyone involved. It is my hope that you receive many new, fabulous women into your communities.
If you have any questions or need anything whatsoever, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at sara@sarajgriot.com. I am happy to help!
I am truly honored to share your expertise with women all around the world.
With Gratitude,
Bookmark this page for easy access to and use the jump links below to skip to what you need:
Your Unique Event Promo Link
(Please Use Your Unique Link In All Instances When You Promote, Thank You!)
url is case sensitive
Amanda Wood - https://www.sarajgriot.com/amanda
Angela Foster - https://www.sarajgriot.com/angela
Erika Cartledge - https://www.sarajgriot.com/erika
Ginger Burr - https://www.sarajgriot.com/ginger
Iris Baechtold - https://www.sarajgriot.com/iris
Jen Vax - https://www.sarajgriot.com/jen
Jodi Skorupski - https://www.sarajgriot.com/jodi
Kimmy Seltzer - https://www.sarajgriot.com/kimmy
Kristen Cain - https://www.sarajgriot.com/kristen
Lakyn Carlton - https://www.sarajgriot.com/lakyn
Lucy Owens - https://www.sarajgriot.com/lucy
Meg Gallagher - https://www.sarajgriot.com/meg
Nada Manley - https://www.sarajgriot.com/nada
Sahra Brandt - https://www.sarajgriot.com/sahra
Silvana Patrick - https://www.sarajgriot.com/silvana
Stacey Lynn - https://www.sarajgriot.com/stacey
Suzie Gaffney - https://www.sarajgriot.com/suzie
Tavia Sharp - https://www.sarajgriot.com/tavia
Claire Causton - https://www.sarajgriot.com/claire
Estelle Winsett - https://www.sarajgriot.com/estelle
Amanda Wood - @thehauteedit
Angela Foster - @angelastylecoach
Erika Cartledge - @yourchicisshowing
Ginger Burr - @gingerburr
Iris Baechtold - @irisbaechtold
Jen Vax - @yourcolorstyle
Jodi Skorupski - @jspersonalstyling
Kimmy Seltzer - @kimmyseltzer
Kristen Cain - @kristincainstyle
Lakyn Carlton - @lakyncarlton
Lucy Owens - @lucyowens_stylerises
Meg Gallagher - @meggallagherstylist
Nada Manley - @nadamanleystyle
Sahra Brandt - @shop_the_city
Silvana Patrick -
Stacey Lynn - @staceylynnstyles
Suzie Gaffney - @suziegaffney
Tavia Sharp - @styledsharp
Claire Causton - @themenopausestylistuk
Estelle Winsett - @estellewinsett
Amanda Wood - @thehauteedit
Angela Foster - @AngelaFosterStyleCoach
Erika Cartledge - @YourChicIsShowing
Ginger Burr - @GingerBurr
Iris Baechtold - n/a
Jen Vax - @yourcolorstyle
Jodi Skorupski - @JSPersonalStyling
Kimmy Seltzer - @kimmyseltzer
Kristen Cain - @kristencain.style
Lakyn Carlton - n/a
Lucy Owens - @stylerises
Meg Gallagher - @meggallagherstylist
Nada Manley - @NadaManleyStyle
Sahra Brandt - @elevateyourstyle
Silvana Patrick -
Stacey Lynn - @stacey.emerson.12
Suzie Gaffney - @suziegaffneystyling
Tavia Sharp - @taviasharp
Claire Causton - @themenopausestylistuk
Estelle Winsett - @estellewinsett
Speaker Schedule
Day your interview and free gift will be released
Best days of the week to send email - Ranked Top Three Best are:
Thursdays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
The top five best times to send email are: 10 a.m., 9 a.m., 8 a.m., 1 p.m.,
and 3 p.m. EASTERN TIME for U.S.
Please check the stats in your country if you are outside the U.S..
On this page you will find everything you need for our collaborative marketing efforts… solo email copy options, graphics (including your personalized graphic), social media copy, individual tracking links, speaker group graphic, etc.
We would be thrilled if you wrote your emails and social copy in your own voice, using the language and tone your audience is already familiar with so please feel free to adjust the copy and messaging we provide below in a way that feels true for you, infusing it with your style. My writing style is likely quite different than yours.
Important Note: *Please remember also to use your unique tracking link wherever it says, “hyperlink to your unique promotional link."
1. Solo email promotional period to the total of all your list segments between May 28th - June 11th, 2024.
2. 1 newsletter blurb or Email P.S. mention between May 28th - June 11th, 2024.
3. 2 Social Media promos starting May 28th and before your episode airs (e.g. one of these can be to announce your interview is going live the next day.)
If you have not already done so, please notify me of the date(s) you are sending your solo emails. You can reach me at sara@sarajgriot.com.
Thank you!
Solo Email Copy Options
Email subject title options
Feel free to combine/mix-match.
Please use different titles for each email when sending your second solo email and any follow-ups.
If the word "free" tends to send your emails to Junk/Spam, feel free to not use it.
[Free Training] My Gift To You!
My Gift To You: Perfect For Jumpstarting Your Style Journey!
REignite Your Excitement About Getting Dressed (Free Event)
Great News: Getting Dressed Without Overwhelm (Free Event)
Free Tips to Get Dressed With Clarity + Confidence + Ease
Want To Feel More Confident & Empowered ?
Want to Be The Unforgettable Woman ?(Free Event)
Excited To Share This With You!
Get The Unforgettable Woman Free Ticket To Bring In More Clarity, Confidence & Ease in Your Wardrobe
What You Can Do Today to Elevate Your Style
Uncover Your Signature Style
What Are You Doing on the 12th?
Create a Wardrobe That Makes You Look and Feel Fabulous!
IGNITE Your Style Confidence
Refresh, Reinvent and Reinvigorate Your Style
Uncover Your Personal Style and Step Into Your Magic
Dress for the Body You Have Now!
Look Amazing Without Losing a Single Pound!
1. Feel VERY free to create a personalized introduction to connect your audience to The Unforgettable Woman experience in a way you know has meaning for them.
2. Feel free to modify all copy to your own voice, tone, language. The following drafts can be used simply as jumping off points or complete swipes.
3. It's always a great idea to insert "First name" codes so your email database automatically adds your listeners first name.
4. It’s also an excellent idea to use different email subject titles each time you mail (feel free to choose from the list above).
Solo Email Copy
SPEAKERS: Please feel free to slice and dice all copy while retaining the most important elements. Feel free to also pull content from this longer copy for social media, P.S. or Newsletter content.
We have also provided versions of copy for social media, P.S. or newsletter content (below)
to make this extra easy for you.)
Do you know it only takes 7 seconds to make a first impression?
Clothes talk, even when we don't.
They speak volumes about us. It's hard to assemble a wardrobe and communicate personal style without understanding it's elements. If you truly want to feel confident, DRESS FOR IT.
I've seen first hand what an enormous impact clothing and how you wear it, has on our mood and our goals.
These are the main reasons your closet is bursting with clothes but you still have nothing to wear…
You don't have a signature style. Your personal style should be a reflection of your unique personality, your lifestyle, and your body type.
You know you’re ready to elevate your style but are unsure where to start.
You’re waiting to lose the last 5, 10, 20 lbs before you invest in your style.
You lack a solid style foundation. Understanding body types, color palettes, and basic style principles, will help you shop smarter, not harder.
You’re constantly buying new clothes, but not buying the RIGHT pieces for you, your lifestyle, and your body type.
Your closet is full of pieces that don’t fit right or don’t feel like you, so you only wear 20% of your closet.
Does any of this sound familiar?
All of us have gone through challenging times in our lives and our style can fall to the wayside. Often, it’s hard to know where to start, but in fact it starts with you and dressing for your body shape, your skin tone, your lifestyle, and your personality.
How you dress every day determines how you interact with yourself, the world, and how the world relates to you. The same guidelines apply no matter what your lifestyle or profession is. It's time to dress for the person you want to become and embrace a style that truly speaks to you.
What would it be like to create a closet full of clothes you LOVE, feel confident in and actually wear even if you think you can’t be modern and stylish at your age. Break free from the typical rules for how to dress for your age, unapologetically and without needing anyone’s permission.
Discover how to elevate not only your style, but also your self esteem and have clothes you’re inspired to wear every day and feel AMAZING in without losing a single pound.
Being confident in your style means less time spent staring at your wardrobe unsure of what to wear. Determining your personal style as a tool is about getting clear on what works for your body type and which pieces, cuts and colors make you feel the most confident and empowered.
That is exactly why I’ve joined forces with Sara Griot and other amazing Style Strategists and Image Experts for The Unforgettable Woman Free Virtual Learning Event with Free, Inspirational, Confidence Boosting Gifts, Daily. [<<< hyperlink with your unique promotional link]
We are sharing our top tools, mindset practices and style tips that you can implement immediately so you will be inspired to start your style journey now, and experience the transformative power clothing can have.
We will help you understand the power of personal style and how important it is to feel confident and powerful so you can communicate with impact.
We believe that this is an incredible opportunity to learn from other style and image experts who have a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences so you can be inspired to elevate your style today for confidence, ease, impact and visibility. Also! Each of the Unforgettable Woman sessions comes with a free gift! That’s a LOT of free gifts worth thousands of dollars. Each one is designed to support you in shifting the way you perceive yourself and start dressing for the body you have now. In every session, you will also get practical steps you can take action on each day.
You can sign up for free right here >>> [<<< your unique promotional link and personalized graphic].
See you there!
[SPEAKERS personal sign off]
P.S. I know you see a LOT of free events and may be wondering if this is like so many you haven’t been terribly impressed by. I completely understand ! We give you practical steps to take to immediate action on and share unique insights to inspire you to step into your magic.
If you want the support, energy and knowledge of some fabulous style experts cheering you on, join me and thousands of other women here >>> The Unforgettable Woman Virtual Learning Event with Free Gifts, Daily. [<<< hyperlink with your unique promotional link]
These sessions are all pre-recorded.
We can't wait to see you there!
Shorter Email Copy
How you dress every day determines how you interact with yourself, the world, and how the world relates to you. The same guidelines apply no matter what your lifestyle or profession is. It's time to dress for the person you want to become and embrace a style that truly speaks to you.
What would it be like to create a closet full of clothes you LOVE, feel confident in and wear even if you think you can’t be modern and stylish at your age. Break free from the typical rules for how to dress for your age, unapologetically and without needing anyone’s permission.
Discover how to elevate not only your style, but also your self esteem and have clothes you’re inspired to wear every day and feel AMAZING in without losing a single pound.
Being confident in your style means less time spent staring at your wardrobe unsure of what to wear. Determining your personal style as a tool is about getting clear on what works for your body type and which pieces, cuts and colors make you feel the most confident and empowered.
That is exactly why I’ve joined forces with Sara Griot, other amazing Style Strategists, and Image Experts for The Unforgettable Woman Free Virtual Learning Event with free, inspirational, confidence-boosting nuggets, daily. [<<< hyperlink with your unique promotional link]
We are sharing our TOP tools, practices, and style tips that you can implement immediately, so you can be inspired to start your style journey and experience the transformative power clothing can have. We will help you understand the power of personal style, how to dress for confidence, and communicate with impact.
This will be an incredible opportunity to learn from style and image experts who have a diverse range of backgrounds and experience. But you’ll not only receive advice — each Unforgettable Woman session will feature free giveaways! Each one is designed to support shifting the way you perceive yourself and start dressing for the body you have now. In every session, you will also get practical steps to take action on your wardrobe each day.
Sign up for free right here >>> [<<< your unique promotional link and personalized graphic].
See you there!
[SPEAKERS personal sign off]
psst…. I know you see a LOT of free events and may be wondering if this is like others that left you unimpressed. That’s completely understandable, but we’re doing things a little differently. We’ll give you practical tools and share unique insights that inspire you to step into your magic.
If you want the support, energy, and knowledge of some fabulous style experts cheering you on, join me and thousands of other women here >>> The Unforgettable Woman Virtual Learning Event. [<<< hyperlink with your unique promotional link]
These sessions are all pre-recorded.
We can't wait to see you there!
Social Media Promotional Copy
PLEASE TAG your fellow speakers on Facebook and Instagram. Names are above.
What would it be like to create a closet full of clothes you LOVE, feel confident in and actually wear even if you think you can’t be modern and stylish at your age. Break free from the typical rules for how to dress for your age, unapologetically and without needing anyone’s permission.
These are the main reasons your closet is bursting with clothes but you still have nothing to wear…
You don't have a signature style. Your personal style should be a reflection of your unique personality, your lifestyle, and your body type.
You know you’re ready to elevate your style but are unsure where to start.
You’re waiting to lose the last 5, 10, 20 lbs before you invest in your style.
You lack a solid style foundation. Understanding body types, color palettes, and basic style principles, will help you shop smarter, not harder.
You’re constantly buying new clothes, but not buying the RIGHT pieces for you, your lifestyle, and your body type.
Your closet is full of pieces that don’t fit right or don’t feel like you, so you only wear 20% of your closet.
Does any of this sound familiar?
I was delighted when I was invited to speak on an event that will help women discover and embody their unique style and enjoy their newfound confidence as their primary mission! This, along with conversations that inspire women to let go of past stories and mornings standing in front of a full closet with “nothing to wear”.
That is exactly why I’ve joined forces with Sara Griot and other amazing Style Strategists and Image Experts for The Unforgettable Woman Free Virtual Learning Event with Free, Inspirational, Confidence Boosting Gifts, Daily. [<<< hyperlink with your unique promotional link]
[Please insert your unique tracking link and TAG the other speakers.]
(Click on any image to download.)